Linear Park
Tour the Linear Park with Atelier Loos van Vliet, a park in Holland inspired by a branch of the river Eem with flowers that change with the season.
The Blaricummermeent is a new residential area with approximately 1100 houses in Blaricum Holland. The greenery is concentrated in a linear park that runs along the new river, which is inspired by a branch of the river Eem that must have run here centuries ago.
The 2.5 kilometer long park connects the existing greenery of the Bijvanck neighborhood with the recreation area Voorland Stichtsebrug. The color of the plants ranges from cultivated bright in the middle of the park to natural yellow-green at the lake Gooimeer and the Bijvanck.

Flores incrementando la biodiversidad Flowers increasing biodiversity
Fotografía / Photography:Martine Van Vliet
The reed banks along the river serve as an ecological connection with the natural banks of the Gooimeer. A mix of water plants has been added, to allow for further improvement of the water quality.
The park is located on the East side of the river, and it is made accessible to everyone. The layout of perennials and grasses is very special, as well as a number of beautiful solitary park trees. Only plants with a low maintenance-level were selected. Mowing is required only once a year, during spring. The plant scheme is based on 30 different plant mixes, each mix consists of about 4 plants.
Cama de flores / Flower beds
Fotografía / Photography: Martine Van VlietThese plant mixes were selected in such a way that each season has its own attractive personality, with contrasting foliage. The plantation promotes biodiversity, which attracts many bees and butterflies.
The furniture and lighting is modest and matching. The paths, made of ornamental concrete, are suitable for skateboarders and rollerbladers as well as for the disabled. The center of the park holds a public picking garden, where the beautiful organic shapes are bordered by corten steel barriers. The plants were selected for the vibrant ways in which they blossom and all have a varying flowering period. Picking flowers in the garden is allowed for everyone.

Mezcla de flores amarillas / Yellow plant mix
Fotografía / Photography:
Martine Van Vliet
The plants were selected for the vibrant ways in which they blossom. Picking flowers in the garden is allowed for everyone.
To further accommodate the public function of the park, two different spots for sport activities have been designed. A small soccer field with two goals and an outdoor fitness area with a variety of machines, both can be used by visitors.

Parque en uso / Park in use
Fotografía / Photography:
Martine van Vliet
The bridges in The Blaricummermeent were designed by Atelier Loos van Vliet as well. A lot of attention has gone into the development of the elements of the fence, as they all belong to the same family of plants and are to be seen as an extension of the hedges along the roads of the main structure.

Equipamiento deportivo / Sport equipment
Fotografía / Photography:
Martine Van Vliet
The bridge fence is designed as an artificial hedge, made from coated steel. They consist of three different elements, which can be used in an interchangeable way for each bridge. This allows for a variety in appearance; these organic elements guide the pedestrian while crossing the river.

Equipamiento deportivo / Sport equipment
Fotografía / Photography: Martine Van Vliet