Hotel Paradero
Polen Paisaje presents Hotel Paradero, a project immersed in the desert that adapts to the topography of the environment and uses endemic vegetation to highlight the landscape’s beauty.
At Hotel Paradero, our vision is centered around capturing and enhancing the natural desert’s dynamic movement, taking advantage of the knowledge gained through numerous journeys to the Baja California desert.
We acknowledge that the desert is a constantly changing landscape, sculpted by the winds, seasons, and occasionally, rain. Instead of seeking grand revelation, we designed the hotel to provide guests with a gradual and contemplative experience of the desert.
The architectural design of the hotel takes inspiration from the desert’s topography, avoiding harsh lines and embracing the concept that each contour is shaped as a result of natural wind patterns. All landscape paths are at the same level and stabilized with earth, except for a stepped zone.
In addition, paths with varied slopes have been arranged, with the majority of them being flat. This careful planning ensures an optimal experience for our visitors.
Furthermore, we value the importance of endemic flora, which adapts to the environment without the need of human intervention. We exclusively use plants of the region to allow natural blossoms, enabling guests to experience the desert in its most authentic form and, in practical terms, conserve the project with minimal maintenance.
In summary, Hotel Paradero is a project that embraces the ever-changing nature of the desert, respecting its cycles and valuing its unique beauty. This approach is rooted in the inspiration gathered throughout our journeys and is reflected in every detail of the project, creating a space that seamlessly integrates into the natural desert environment.
“Hotel Paradero is a project that embraces the ever-changing nature of the desert, respecting its cycles and valuing its unique beauty.”