Prind Edition 26: The Soil




In many parts of the world, we can witness obvious changes in the landscape, such as the one that happens between winter and spring, when the trees go from being bare, without leaves, to being full of flowers; while the soil, from having no vegetal layer to being covered by vegetation. This transition reminds us of the importance of the base, of the sustenance where life begins, develops, sustains, feeds, transforms and, finally, dies… That’s right, we are referring to the soil, a fundamental component of the environment.
In this edition we talk about the characteristics, properties and functions of the soil, as well as the actions that human beings must do to take care for it, strengthen it, preserve it , and to prevent it from degrading, since it is a non-renewable resource.
Let’s be responsible with the use and management of the soil, since the life of the inhabitants of the planet depends on it.
Finally, we want to thank our readers, writers, collaborators and all those who are part of Landuum Landscape, for accompanying us during these 7 years!


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