Respect and care for life and nature: a legacy of our grandmothers and grandfathers.

Alejandra Roldán tell us about respect and care for life and nature: a legacy of our grandmothers and grandfathers.

Legacies are contributions inherited in the family from generation to generation, and are both economic and cultural, with the latter we refer to all those actions, traditions, customs and above all values ​​in life that are transmitted to the next members of the family, many of these values ​​are learned and understood through experience, many times it is the grandmothers and grandfathers who share this experience with us by giving us advice.

Grandmother playing with her grandchildren.
Photography: Nikoline Arns –

Care, appreciation, as well as respect for nature are practices that arise from ancient cultures, because it provides food and represents the habitat, that is, a place where we can live.

From my point of view, one of the most important values ​​that grandmothers and grandfathers teach us is protection, in addition to valuing the place where we live, it is that place that has been built with a lot of effort and that has generated a space in which we can live together and meet our needs.

The place we inhabit can be interpreted from an architectural construction, to our neighborhood, town, green areas, parks to nature in its entirety, the environment that surrounds us and that we must remain and protect.

Grandfather with his grandson.
Photography: Alvaro Reyes –

This also leads to connect the previous idea with the value of empathy, which I consider important in all professions involved with the environment, it is a value that allows us to put ourselves in the situation of someone or something outside and that in turn opens us the perspective of how the beings involved live in the present and the future consequences. Empathy makes us understand how all life support is important.

It is very common for grandmothers and grandfathers to teach us to live with other living beings, such as human beings, animals and plants, in which they give us advice to care for them. It is in these valuable moments that even grandmothers and grandfathers they generate in girls and boys awareness of nature and life thanks to their multiple teachings.

Grandparents in the woods.
Photography: Magda Ehlers –

The time we spend with our grandmothers and grandfathers is extremely valuable, since they fill us with memories and knowledge, in turn this shows the importance of dedicating time, energy and love to everything we want to do and above all to how we help to improve, strengthen and grow what we esteem.

Let’s embrace our grandmothers and grandfathers every day, let’s appreciate how important they are for our development and human evolution, as well as the tools they give us to understand the world and the tangible and intangible things of nature.

Grandparents love.