Thales Velizy
We present the project “Thales Velizy”, designed by Terabilis.
On the principle of a campus, the renovation of this set of buildings was mainly linked to the creation of spaces designed to be seen and above all used (rest and work).

Muro vegetal Green wall
Photography: Emilie Vialet
An interior street crosses the entire plot this offers balconies towards a garden with a marked topography that connects the accesses to the buildings on the ground floor at the upper level of the street. The landscape is divided into various themes according to the points of view between the green forum, the grassy courtyard, the dry pebble river and the meadow space. The garden of the forum is presented as a continuity of the auditorium, a space for meeting and outdoor coexistence. The shape of the amphitheater was imposed with the intention of playing with the topography of the site. This space unfolds on the ground floor around a generous wooden terrace. Concrete steps formed by curved benches, dressed in plants, begin the ascent to the upper garden

Master plan
Illutration: Terabilis
The mineral river was also inspired by the uneven terrain. Naturally, the waterfall shape appeared to connect the upper garden with the garden level. The idea of suggesting the presence of water was materialized through the implementation of rocks. We have proposed a gradation of the scale of the material, from the most voluminous to the finest, starting from large blocks to reach small caliber pebbles. Most of the water is tactile because the river is over several basement floors whose admissible load did not allow the placement of real rocks.

View of the amphitheater
Photography: Emilie Vialet
Terabilis also contributed to the definition of the outdoor furniture set. We opted for standard colored pieces, but we have also designed some of them, such as these solid wood cubes and the wooden seats fixed directly to the container, on which the pine trees are planted.

Different treatment of floor finishes
Photography: Emilie Vialet