Garden Pansy and Borage
Learn about edible flowers that adorn our food or have healing or medicinal properties with the farmer and agronomist engineer Melissa Carrera Carmona.
Garden Pansy
Origin: Europe
Scientific name: Viola × wittrockiana
Flavor: Soft, with hints of grass.
Use: It can be crystallized and for decoration in confectionery.

Viola x wittrockiana
Photography: Melissa CarmonaBorage
Origin:Lebanon, Syria and Egypt
Scientific name: Borago officinalis Sabor
Flavor: Slight cucumber flavor Uso.
Use: Ideal in salads, soups or creams, as well as pastries, meats and seafood. The borage flower is peculiar because of its shape, as there is no other edible flower that resembles it. The colors are blue or white.

Borago officinalis
Photography: Melissa Carmona